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The verified company profile. Concise. Networked. Reliable.

The convincing and reliable business card for transport partners.

Trust is good, vCard is better!

Via vCard you can publish the profile of your company and permit your customers to easily find it. Connect with your partners and be convincing with your certificates, transportation licenses and insurances.

The Trusted Carrier status.

The Trusted Carrier status and the receipt of the Trusted Carrier seal serves as a quality promise and confirms the trustworthiness of the transport partners.

In order to receive the Trusted Carrier Status, the vCard of the transport partner must be filled out completely and checked by the Trusted Carrier Support. You will then also have full access to all Trusted Carrier services.

Important information: Trusted Carrier stands for quality and trust – this is well known. Currently, fraudulent websites are using our Trusted Carrier logo for dishonest promises – of course we are taking action against this. As a TC member, always check with our v-Card function that a company is TC-authorised:
One thing is certain: Trusted Carrier

Click here for the tutorial:


Do you have any questions about vCard or our other services? Then write to us at or call us on weekdays from 8:00-17:00 at
+49 (0) 89 890 569 280.